Thursday, December 31, 2009

Job opportunities and Resolutions

I had another interview today, it went well. The thing that concerns me is that it is commission only in a brand new territory, and no benefits. Taking this job would be a huge leap of faith. I have two weeks to think it over and I do have a lot to think about. It is not very secure but could be a good opportunity.

In other job news: I sent my resume out to another company that I really hope calls me. Positive vibes into the universe for this one.....

I created another list (surprise surprise). It is the end of the year and time for resolutions. I've been in Austin for about 5 years now but there are plenty of sites that I have yet to see.

Stuff I want to do, places I want to go in 2010:

Throw my first dinner party.
Try new recipes for blog.
Crochet a blanket - I always quit too soon and just make a big scarf.
Umlauf garden
Eeyores b-day party
Spamarama - It is not vegan but I still feel like I need to see this in person.
Cool house tour
Gardens on tour
Black and White Years
Maker Faire
Enchanted rock - We drove out to it but never got out of the car.
Austin Playhouse/The City Theatre
Go to a veggie potluck/join a group/take a class.
Canyon Lake
Toobing - We tried to go this year but there just wasn't enough water in the river to make it worth it.
Drink more water

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