Monday, January 25, 2010

Vegan Sunday - Choco overload

I went to the Vegan Bake Sale for Haiti relief this Sunday. I got some great goodies and donated $20 bucks. Not a huge donation but I'm still unemployed so I can only do as much as I can do. I heard they made over $700 dollars, awesome! I picked up a donut, 2 cupcakes, a brownie type thing and a magic bar. Good stuff!

Just before we went to the bake sale we walked over to Hotel Saint Cecelia which is about 2 blocks away from from Ten Thousand Villages, where the sale was taking place, to pick up some vegan lip balm. I read about it on the very active message board Makeup alley. HSC is such a cool place, my husband and I wandered the grounds and took a few pictures by the pool.

After the bake sale we went to Wheatsville so I could pick up some popcorn tofu and a few other items. They were doing a chocolate demo from Theo chocolate. Good God, great stuff, the mint was my favorite but by the time we left I had hit chocolate overload times ten. We came home and my husband took a nap...nice day :-)

1 comment:

  1. glad you got some goodies at the bake sale! so bummed i couldn't make it :)

